UK The London Genomics Network is formed of 18 laboratories based in 8 academic institutions around London. These laboratories provide genomics support and expertise to researchers in their own institutions and the wider scientific community. 


Imperial College 

LMS/MRC Genomics Laboratory  – MRC LMS Laboratory of Medical Sciences

The Genomics Facility provides state-of-the-art facilities for high-throughput genomic research using NGS sequencing, single-cell and spatial genomics technologies

BRC Genomics Facility  – Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London

The BRC Genomics Facility offers integrated support for translational sequencing projects  –   @ImperialGF


London Biofoundry – Imperial College London

The London Biofoundry provides an integrated Bioengineering stack to academics and start-ups including NGS platforms (Illumina, PacBio, ONT) supported by HT lab automation.




UCL Genomics – Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health

UCL Genomics is a collaborative research facility with expertise in state-of-the-art genomic technologies, project design and data analysis. The facility has dedicated applications specialists running several different -omic streams including methylation profiling, genotyping microarrays, RNA/DNA-seq, pathogen sequencing, single cell sequencing and high throughput automated nucleic acid extractions and data analysis.  –  @uclgenomics

Genomics Translational Technology Platform – UCL Cancer Institute

The Genomics TTP provides access to state-of-the-art genomics equipment and offers NGS library preparation and genome engineering services to researchers working in the cancer field at the Cancer Institute and UCL.


Long Read Sequencing Facility – Department of Neuromuscular Diseases, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology

The UCL LRS provides access to long-read sequencing services such as Nanopore and PacBio technologies to researchers and industry. –   @LRS_UCL

UK DRI Single Cell and Spatial Transcriptomics Platform – UK DRI at UCL, Crucifirm Building, Gower Street

The UK DRI SC/ST Platform is based at UCL and supports the UK DRI’s Centres around the country as well as the local neuroscience research community. From mid-2023 the platform will offer services and training opportunities in cutting edge technologies for single cell and spatially-resolved transcriptomics..

Queen Mary University London 

Genome CentreFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London

Barts and The London Genome Centre is the genomics core facility at Queen Mary University of London, supporting researchers since 2000. –   @BartsLondonGene


The Queen Mary SBBS Genomics Facility – School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

The SBBS genomics facility’s primary focus is on long-range sequencing and chromosome mapping. We provide long-range sequencing, direct RNA sequencing and transcriptomics through the PromethION, while the Saphyr allows us to support chromosome level studies for genome polishing and analysis of structural variation –  @SBBSGenomics


King’s College London

NIHR BRC Genomics Research Platform – Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Trust and King’s College London

BRC genomics Platform provides access to cutting edge infrastructure and latest technologies to support single cell transcriptomics, spatial transcriptomics, Illumina sequencing, NGS library preparation for a range of applications and streamlined data analysis services. The platform works with investigators to develop novel protocols for new applications within these technologies and provides support with experimental design and project planning.

Single Cell Omics Platform (SCOP) School of Immunology & Microbial Science (SIMS)

The Single Cell Omics Platform (SCOP) offers a variety of 10x single-cell assays (including gene expression, immune profiling and chromatin accessibility) using the Chromium iX instrument.

IoPPN Genomics & Biomarker Core Facility – The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN)

The IoPPN Genomics & Biomarker Core Facility within King’s College London offers an array of high-throughput genomics services from sample preparation to bioinformatics support  



Genomics Facility – The Institute of Cancer Research, Molecular Pathology

With state-of-the-art hardware and unrivalled expertise in the molecular characterisation of tumours, the Genomics Facility supports researchers at the ICR and our partner institutions across the UK to accelerate progress towards precision therapies –  @Genomics_ICR


Molecular Diagnostics Translational Research Unit – Royal Marsden Hospital/Institute for Cancer Research Centre for Molecular Pathology

Translational research team in ISO15189 accredited lab. Human-only work with direct clinical implications (eg clinical trials) –  @generoom



The Francis Crick Institute 

Genomics Science Technology Platform

The Genomics Science Technology Platform (Genomics STP) supports genomics research conducted at the Crick. It is formed of a team of 19 scientists with expertise in the latest technologies in the field, including single cell biology, spatial transcriptomics, long reads sequencing and automation.


The Natural History Museum 

Molecular Laboratories

Staffed by specialists in molecular biology, we carry out interdisciplinary research for all Museum departments. –    @NHM_Molecular


The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

LSHTM Genome Facility

The Facility supports a range of genomics approaches for research conducted at LSHTM, from genome through microbial small genome (re)sequencing, metagenomics (16S, ITS), targeted gene sequencing, to amplicon sequencing and targeted gene expression, as well as RNASeq and HLA sequencing.