About us

The London Genomics Network (LGN) was created in 2019 to promote interactions between genomics facilities in London. It is a non-commercial organisation set up by volunteers which aim is to create a platform for staff scientists to share knowledge and expertise and coordinate the use of resources to advance the impact of genomics on research and clinical applications in London and beyond. As well as providing a forum of discussion, the London Genomics Network organises events and training for the benefits of its staff and the entire scientific community. The core values of the LGN are the following:

* Build a community of genomics scientists based on openness and collaboration
* Promote the work and services offered by the London genomics facilities
* Share knowledge, ideas and technical expertise about any genomics-related matters
* Provide training for the development of genomics scientists
* Hold regular events to foster interactions between members of the network and the broader scientific community.

The London Genomics Network is formed of 18 genomics facilities based in various academic institutions around London (UCL, Kings, Imperial, Crick, QMUL, NHM, LSHTM, DRI and ICR) with more than 100 highly experienced scientists working to support genomics research and clinical application for their users and customers. The heads of the facilities meet 4 times a year to organise the running of the network. It includes the organisation of conferences opened to the general scientific community or training days for its staff. The network also acts as a discussion forum to define the best practices for quality control, standard procedures or introduction of novel applications. It also explores the opportunities of capacity sharing and relationships with vendors. The London Genomics Networks is also a platform that offers the opportunity for its members to better disseminate the work they do for the scientific community.